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What's new in Omneo

We've expanded profile, transaction and employee incentive capabilities to help our clients deliver greater utility to their customers and staff.

Profile Connections

Understand and manage connections between your customers

Each Omneo profile represents one known human that is a customer or staff member with the brand. For brands where people shop exclusively for themselves the concept of a profile is simple, but when people may start buying for partners, children or their own clients then the connections between people, and the rights implied by the connection type becomes valuable to the customer and the brand.

Now with our profile connections capability you (and your customers) can:

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    Allow partners, dependents and clients to have individual profiles that can be managed by the customer who does the shopping

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    Move purchased items to other profiles while maintaining who made the transaction

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    Track and incentivise referrals and their value

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    Connect profiles via gift or gift card giving and receiving experiences

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    Connect employees to customers in new and interesting ways

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    Provide flexibility in privacy and security settings for individuals with connected profiles

Profile Types

Differentiate between profile types

Not all profiles are created equal. So we’ve introduced a few core profile types that allow for specific functionality to be established within your CX ecosystems.

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    Pending or Temporary profiles can be used to facilitate quality CX while allowing the profile’s personal information to be automatically removed after a set period of time or to facilitated sophisticated onboarding processes

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    Dependent profiles can be used for children where contact or other personal information should not be stored but rather deferred via their guardians

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    Deleted profiles can be used to maintain data integrity while complying with privacy and right to be forgotten rules

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    Machine profiles allow for non-human agents to exist within your CX ecosystem

Order and Transaction Handling

Enhanced data with non-posted transactions

Omneo has always provided support for maintaining a customer’s complete transaction history for as far back as a brand has the data for. But upstream of this, things like web orders, laybys and other non-posted transactions were excluded from the Omneo data model. The Orders feature now allows this information to be sent to Omneo to power new experiences and logic.

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    Change reaction mechanics based on what and when orders are placed as opposed to what and when it was shipped

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    Group split shipment transactions by their single order

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    Identify customers with active laybys and web orders

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    Provide staff with process tools to progress these types of transactions

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